October 25, 2007

Wonderful month of October

Hello everyone,
We have had a great month so far. The weather has been nice and the leaves on the trees in the backyard were absolutely gorgeous.I am on vacation this week and loving it.
We have decided that since there are so many of us (family) living near each other, that instead of having our regular Sunday supper here at our home, that we would alternate. This is how the cycle goes.
Week one I had Sunday supper, week two was at Monica and JJ's, week three was at Dave and Paula's, week four was compliments of Amy and Mitch (at Mitch's apartment), and week five at Melanie and Jimmy's.This works great as we only have to make Sunday supper once every six weeks. Mind you, we do have about 25 people for supper, but it gives us a chance to get together.
We had the wonderful company of Henry, April, and the girls. I had a small surprise Baby Shower for April on Friday evening. It was a family shower where I also invited the guys to come along. It was like having Sunday supper on a Friday.
They received some very nice baby gifts. They were very surprised and very appreciative. Henry was very surprised because he didn't know about the shower either. It was really nice having everyone together.

I have a couple of pics from the shower that I will post.
And I also have two other pics that I came across that are among my favourites, so I will post those too. One is Joeye and I and the other is Mom and Joeye.

Derek and I celebrated our wedding anniversary yesterday, the 24th of October. We went out for supper at this very nice Italian Restaurant called Chianti's. The meal was delicious.
I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween, which reminds me that I must go out and get more treats. We usually get between 500 - 600 kiddies looking for treats.

I will try and update more often, I promise.
Here are the pics

monica needs to come and visit so i can squish Joeye's chubby cheeks
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