September 29, 2006

Pickles, pickles and more pickles

Well, you know that winter will soon be here when I start making pickles, salsa, and chow. My next project is going to be to make meat pies, pumpkin preserves and apple jelly.
Derek is finally home again, after being in NewBrunswick for the past week or so. He goes back to NewBrunswick again next week. Oh well, can't complain too much. He likes his job and the most important part is that he has a job. Monica told me that she had problems logging onto my blog. I hope that the problem is corrected, cause I didn't make any changes or anything. Lets hope that it was just a minor glitch.
Today is Derek's birthday. Happy Birthday to my hubby.

Happy bday Mr H
Happy Birthday Derek
Glad to see you keeping busy with your salsa. You will have to keep a jar to send up with the next person who comes so I can compare it mine. Maybe we should have a family salsa contest and everyone send a jar of home made salsa to Henry to judge the best. Of cource I already know who will win. The person who makes it sooooo spicy, you cant even taste the salsa right Henry.
I wish but my poor ole belly just cant take it anymore. I am more of a medium heat fella now.

I can no longer eat fresh Jalepinos it is only pickled ones for me as they are not as hot.

of course a little bit of Vindaloo curry now and then is nice but I am just a big ole heat wimp now. SO Send the Salsa my way I can taste it after all. :~)

OH yeah. Happy Belated...ok ok very late Happy Birthday Derek.
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