April 02, 2006

Sunshine and Daffodils

It is Sunday morning. The sun is shining and my daffodils are beginning to bloom. They are so pretty. A sure sign of spring.

Well, I lasted 6 days on the diet and I lost 7 lbs.
I went in for my cortizone injections on Friday and was questioning the doctor about all the weight that I had gained since I began taking the new medication that he prescribed 3 months ago. And I come to find out that YES, the two new medications do have weight gain as side effects, and yes, the cortizone injections may cause me to gain weight. I just couldn't understand why I had gained so much weight in two months, since I knew that I really hadn't changed my eating habits enough to warrant the gain. So, he has decreased the dosage of my medication. He feels that my back has improved enough that he wants to try and decrease the dosage until I am able to cope without medication at all. I must say, that my back is feeling much better since I have began the injections. It still is not 100%, but it is much better. I also start physio again next week. I will just wait and see how that goes before commenting on it, as the last time I was doing physio, I would have more pain after doing it than before I had started. The doc has also told me to resume some of the activities that I was able to do before the accident, such as gardening, laundry, floors, sewing, etc. He said not to overdo it, but, to start incorporating some of it back into my regular daily routine. Yipee, lets hope that I can do some gardening this summer. I have Derek to thank for the daffodils. I just gave the orders last fall and he did the planting. I guess someone had to be boss.

Congratulations on the 7 pounds lost! Any loss is a good one, I've lost 14 pounds since January 1st and so far haven't gained any back. I think I really need to get into an exercise regime though, I love deep water workouts but it's just finding the time and the class seems to coincide with the boys bedtime and I like to be home for that.
Uhhhh, where do you live again? I didn't see any bulbs coming up like that around my neck of the woods. Are you sure you didn't move out west and forget to tell us? :)
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