April 19, 2006

I can't believe it's snowing

That's right. Snow. Just yesterday I was telling Derek that I was amazed at how fast my daffodils bloomed this year and that my tulips will be in full bloom by the weekend. It is usually the second week of may before the tulips bloom. BOY DID I EVER JINK MYSELF. Woke up this morning and when I looked outside it was snowing. Looks as if it had been for a few hours as everything was covered in this white blanket of snow. It is the really wet kind. You can't even use it to make a snowman or anything. The weather is supposed to change to rain at some point this morning, and the snow isn't going to accumulate to anything. It just made for a really slushy and messy to drive to work. I left home early so it's only 8:30 am and I still have a few minutes to update this blog. I guess I will go and have my coffee and call Henry to let him know that it is snowing as he is on his way to Halifax this morning. Hope you all have a happy happy day.....Without snow!!!!!

I thought we were to snow jinx! Seems everytime we do something with the camper to get a head start in the season, it snows! We left a very nice sunny Calgary Sunday morning and within an hour the skies were grey, overcast and laden with moisture. The snowflakes were the big fluffy kind that you want around Christmas...not when you are hauling a 20' camper!
We just packed away the kids snowgear and sleds, etc so hopefully that doesn't jinx us too. I'm enjoying the nice weather too much, the dayhome kids have spent most of their days outside in the backyard playing and they're sleeping good too from all the fresh air!
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