March 31, 2006

Day 4 and still going strong

So after 4 days of being on the crazy soup diet I have lost 5 lbs. Sounds great right! But when you consider that I have gained 3 times that amount since early November it isn't so great. I was telling Derek that I don't understand how I gained that much so fast. I very rarely eat red meat, and I hardly ever use fat, and I don't think that I eat that much fat either. It then occured to me that weight gain is one of the side effects of both medications that I am taking, and I started gaining when I started taking the medication. So, is it possible that I am retaining water or it has just really slowed down my motabolism. I am going to start the gym again this week and see if that doesn't help. I have been going a couple of days a week, but, I need to go at least 5 days a week to see if it is going to help take off the pounds before summer. After all, I have a whole new summer wardrobe that I bought just before I went to Jamaica in October, so I want to be able to wear those this summer. I have a doctors appointment next week and I am going to ask him about he weight gain. And I will keep everyone updated on the diet situation.

Derek and I would love to walk across Canada. Maybe we could meet in the middle. We have been going for walks almost every evening, when he is home. I am not sure how far it is that we walk, but, it usually takes us about 40 minutes. I will have to take a drive and clock the distance.
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